Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Emile Davis on Selling His Home With Our Team

Here’s how a recent client describes working with The AJ Team.

We recently helped Emile Davis and his wife sell their home, and today he joins me to recount his

experience during the process. Emile was previously part of a home sale that was coordinated by

a solo agent, so he’s uniquely qualified to describe the benefits of selling your home with The AJ

Team behind you. He compares our ability to work together to that of a Cirque du Soleil troupe, and

he was so impressed with our service that he convinced members of his family to trust us with their

home-selling needs. 

Cited below for your convenience are timestamps that will direct you to various points in the

video. Feel free to watch it in its entirety, or use these timestamps to browse specific points

at your leisure: 

0:07—Emile Davis’ favorite part of working with The AJ Team 

1:03—What it looks like when our team works together and is in sync

2:32—Emile’s perspective on working with a solo agent versus with a team

5:34—Why Emilie compares our team to a Cirque du Soleil troupe 

6:00—Emile and his family’s future plans with The AJ Team

6:33—Wrapping things up

If you have questions about working with The AJ Team or need help selling your home, don’t hesitate

to reach out to me. I’m happy to help.

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