Monday, January 6, 2020

A Quick Q&A With Alex Argueta

Alex Argueta is a wonderful buyer specialist on the AJ Team, and he recently sat down to answer a few questions so we can all get to know him a little better.

I’m delighted to be joined by Alex Argueta today. Alex is one of the great agents we have here on the AJ Team. I asked him a few questions about his journey, his career, and his hopes for the future, which he answered in the video above. Here are some of the highlights:

What one thing have you learned in your first full year in real estate?

To be successful in this business, you have to be full-time. Second of all, you have to put in the work. This isn’t just a job; it’s a lifestyle. You always have to be on and always have to study the market because it’s constantly shifting. Staying on top of it is key.

What advice do you have for homebuyers in the area?

If you’re planning on buying, don’t wait until the last minute to start trying to get prepared. Some people are lucky enough to find a new home within a month of starting their search, but others can take over a year to find the perfect fit. It mostly depends on where you’re looking and your budget. Knowing those things is key.

I’m always going to fight for my clients like they’re my family.

Why should you use Alex as a real estate agent?

Mainly because of the knowledge I’ve gained working here on the AJ Team. I have so much knowledge that I can share, and my main objective is to help a family obtain their ultimate dream of buying a house. I’m always going to fight for everyone like they’re my family, whether it’s someone I just met or whether it is my actual family. I’ll work 100% to make sure we can help you in the best way possible.

Pase a las 2:55 para escuchar la respuesta en español

If you have any questions for him in the meantime, don’t hesitate to give Alex a call at 703-991-7922. We can’t wait to help.
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