Friday, November 22, 2019

Love and Real Estate

Today we’re sitting down to be interviewed about how we make it work: being married and also working together.

Today we’re discussing love and real estate. Christal and Allen Johnson have been married for 11 years. Christal has learned over the years that Allen will keep pushing her out of her comfort zone and “I’ll take that as a great sign that our relationship continues to grow.” Allen has come to realize that love evolves, that there are a lot of different phases of love, and “I feel every year our love gets more dynamic.” Today Christal and Allen are being interviewed about what it’s like to work together in real estate as a married couple. There are specific challenges and advantages to this type of business.

Cited below for your convenience are timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video. Feel free to watch the full message or use these timestamps to browse specific topics at your leisure:

0:05: Introduction to today’s topic

1:50: The first real estate transaction Christal and Allen handled as a couple

5:40: Real estate when they began versus now

8:15: How their relationship relates to their business

10:45: How Christal and Allen balance who they are as individuals with how they work together

14:15: Where they see the AJ Team going in the future

19:50: How to contact Christal and Allen

If you have further questions about this topic or any other relating to real estate, please give the AJ Team a call or send us an email. We would love to help you!
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