Thursday, August 29, 2019

Heard the latest and greatest AJ Team news?!?

Today I wanted to check in and let you all know what’s been going on lately with our team.
The AJ Team has been working really hard lately, so today I’ll update you on what we’ve been doing.

Every morning at 8 a.m., our team participates in a devotional where we pray over our past and current clients, our community, other agents, as well as anyone else who might benefit from being held up in prayer. We often have clients reach out to us to pray for them, and we just wanted to let you all know that you don’t have to be afraid to do the same. Sometimes handling life on your own can be hard; let the prayer warriors in your life help you.

Also, for the past three years, we’ve helped to fund the mentoring program at our local Title 1 school, and we’re going to continue to grow. Lately, we’ve been seeking out additional mentors to add to the program, so if you know of anyone interested in donating to the cause or being a once-a-week tutor, mentor, or life-skills coach, reach out to us. Children will one day become great resources, so we appreciate any and all of your contributions.

We’re excited to announce that the AJ Team won The Prince William County Best of Residential Agents Award.

Next, we’re excited to announce that the AJ Team won The Prince William County Best of Residential Agents Award. We thank all of you who have supported us and helped us grow. Even though we’re not perfect, we aim only to improve every day.

Finally, we’ve sold 106 homes to date, and our goal is to get to 200 homes sold. If you know of anyone who is in need of real estate services, whether they’re buying or selling, we’d love to talk to them. 

For any other questions or comments you may have, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We hope to see you soon!

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