Wednesday, July 25, 2018

What 3 Things Can Kill Your Home’s Value?

There are three things that can kill your home’s value if you are unaware of them.

I have been selling real estate for 17 years, and I can tell you that there are three things that are
guaranteed to kill your home’s value:

Do not forget about the maintenance work you need to do in your home. "

1. Unpermitted work. This is generally found in basements. Most people start with good intentions,
but once they open a permit to work in their home, sometimes they do not close it. Make sure if you
finish off some work you are doing in the basement or anywhere else in your house that you close
out your permit for it so that it is recorded in your public record.

2. The topography of your home’s lot. When buying a home, most people think location, location,
location. What they do not think about, however, is the home’s lot and how that lot’s dimensions can
affect its value. If you are buying a home, make sure you check the topography of its lot. It may fit
what you are looking for, but you also have to think about the next family that will want to live in
that home.

3. Deferred maintenance. We live in a fast-paced society, and sometimes we have to juggle many
different responsibilities at once. This can make it easy to forget about the maintenance work we
have to do in our homes. Painting, plumbing, roofing, landscaping, etc., are maintenance tasks
that can kill your home’s value if you neglect them. If a buyer does a home inspection and any issues
related to these things pop up, it can change how they feel about the home.

If you have any other questions about this or any other real estate topic, please feel free to reach
out to us. We would love to help you.

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