Wednesday, May 16, 2018

3 Things to Consider During Our Spring Market

A reporter from U.S. News & World Report recently asked us about what things buyers and sellers should expect from our shifting spring market. Here’s what we told him:

1. Sellers need to be smart about making renovations. Sellers need to understand that it is one thing to price your home correctly, but it is another thing to have a strategy behind your renovations. 

Think about what buyers are looking for before making your renovations. Visit other properties and see which renovations are causing houses to sell faster and which renovations are keeping homes on the market.

" If your home is not renovated correctly, it will sit on the market. "

2. HGTV buyers love to watch renovations on TV, but they hate to actually renovate in real life.
There is a whole generation of buyers out there who think the reality of real estate is similar to what is found on HGTV, and they do not understand the costs involved in major renovations. If your home is not renovated correctly, it will sit on the market.

3. Sellers need to check all their boxes before listing. Buyers are looking for three main things in our market: they want your home to be priced correctly, they want it to be staged properly, and they want it to have the right renovations already completed. If you check all of these boxes, buyers will pounce on your home and it will likely attract multiple offers and sell quickly. If you don’t check these boxes, it will likely sit on the market unsold.

To view the entire article from U.S. News & World Report, Click here.
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