The Lakeridge is currently going through a shift. Today I’ll be giving you the latest stats, so that you can be prepared for the market instead of simply reacting to it.
As you know, my team and I always want to prepare you for the market by providing the latest statistics.
I’ve been saying this for some time now and I’ll say it again: the Northern Virginia market, specifically Lake Ridge, is due for a slowdown. In fact, if you look at this September compared to September of 2016, you’ll notice a 17% decrease in the number of homes that sold.
Comparing those same times, there was also a 4% decrease in the price homes sold for as well as a 6% increase in days on market.
"The Northern Virginia market, specifically Lake Ridge, is due for a slowdown."
The market is shifting, folks. So, if you’re thinking of selling a home there are two things you need to think about.
First, you need to price your home correctly from the start. Second of all, you must make sure your home is in prime condition.
I will warn you: A lot of buyers out there are HGTV buyers. Their perception of how a home should look comes directly from what they see on TV.
Don’t worry, though. My team and I would be more than happy to help you set your home for success on the market.
If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.