Interest rates may go up soon, and home buyers aren’t the only ones who will be affected. Today I’ll go over everything sellers need to know about interest rates and home value.
Help us be a blessing to 15 families in need.
To learn more, go to
Last year, we were fortunate enough to bless five different families who needed gifts for their kids. You guys went out of your way to help them in an extraordinary way. Each year, we try to level it up, so this year, we’re trying to help 15 families here in the Northern Virginia community. When you’re blessed, you’re able to bless even more!
We’re reaching out to you in hopes that you can help us be a blessing to these families this holiday season.
Click here to help us give gifts to these families and their children, and help them with a few things that we take for granted.
I can personally tell you that giving gifts sure makes my two favorites assistants here happy!
There are plenty of things you can give—anything helps. We like to give the parents time to give these gifts to their kids, so we love for you to hustle up with us and help us give a happy holiday to some families in need.
If you have any questions about how to help, give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!