Thursday, March 25, 2021

Our Clients Are Our Family

Mrs. Taylor is glad to be a part of our family, and we’re glad to be a part of hers.

God brings people into our lives sometimes to remind us of those who’ve been in our lives before, and

I recently had a conversation with one of those people, Mrs. Taylor, that I want to share with you.

My team and I helped Mrs. Taylor sell a home, and she reminds me of the women in my family: the love,

hugs, spirit, and energy. As we were working for her, that was always in my heart and on my mind. This

is someone’s grandmother, someone’s aunt, someone’s loved one. Those things mean a lot to us. Mrs. Taylor is now glad to be a part of our family, and we plan on calling her from time to time to check up on her.

We’re dealing with someone who’s precious to someone else, and all of our clients are precious to us.

So much of this business is about transactions, commissions, and pricing, but I find that the people

that are brought into our lives are about more than that. They typify the conversation I had with

Mrs. Taylor. We’re always cognizant that we’re dealing with someone's family, and for us that’s paramount. We’re dealing with someone who’s precious to someone else, and all of our clients are precious to us. If they don’t feel loved throughout the transaction, we feel like we left something on the table. 

If you have a loved one in your life who needs help buying or selling a home, give my team a call. We

can take it as fast or slow as they want. Oftentimes we end up cleaning messes other people made in the past, but we try not to hold that over their heads while we gracefully guide them to the results they want and need. 

As always, if you have any other real estate needs at all, feel free to reach out to me. I’d love

to hear from you.

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