Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How’s the Summer Treating Our Lake Ridge Market?

According to the latest numbers, things are wide open in our Lake Ridge market if you’re a seller.

What is going on in the Lake Ridge real estate market? Here are the latest statistics from last June.

Month over month, the average sale price jumped 11% to $378,000. Over the past few months,
we’ve seen the average sale price decrease a couple times, so this is a sign the market is catching up
to itself.

We’re in a healthy market, but the situation above $400,000 is very different than the one below
$400,000. If you list a home above this price point, you’ll have a different experience than the sellers
below it.

If you list a home above this price point, you'll have a different experience than the sellers below it. "

There were 117 homes sold, and the number of single-family homes that were sold jumped 38%
a month after month. A key statistic that’s good news for sellers is the number of new and active listings
is down 22%.

If you’re thinking of selling your home, the window is wide open, but you have to make
sure you renovate, price, and market it correctly.

If you want to talk more about our market or you want to put your home on the market, don’t
hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to help you.
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