Thursday, April 5, 2018

Tips on Downsizing Without Losing Your Mind

If the time for you to downsize is coming up, there are four considerations you should keep in mind.

When it comes time to downsize, there are a few key considerations you should always keep in mind. 

First of all, don’t wait until the last minute to downsize when it comes time to do so. Make your move early. Retirement brings on enough stress in and of itself, so downsizing beforehand could save you additional hassle. When it comes to downsizing, don’t wait until the need to do so arises. 

Also, there’s always the option to rent after you sell your home. We’re at the top of the market right now and values are going to start flattening out soon. Why not sell, take your profit, and rent for a while? This will give you time to think over your move before making any final decisions. 

"Don’t wait until the last minute to downsize when it comes time to do so."

However, if you are ready to make a decision, buy now while rates are still low. If you’re ready to make a decision about your retirement home, why not take advantage of current market conditions?

Finally, have you considered a condo? Most people who are thinking of a one-level rambler are doing so because they want to keep all of their belongings. However, condos provide a number of benefits a one-level rambler might not. Condos provide a level of security that can be very attractive for retirees. 

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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